Saturday 1 February 2014

Saturday Update

3 days to go - moving to daily posts now (yes Del, this is 3 days early and entirely for your benefit; stop texting me and look online!) Look outside - what do you see? (well, if you're in SW England...I guess it's, er, oh, yes - sun & rain). One minute you're basking in sunshine, thinking it's all great. Next minute, the heavens open, and you wonder how bad, how quickly, it's going to get.

Pretty much how it feels right now inside.  Sometimes, it's all..... fine, no really, what's all the fuss about? Then, pins & needles ....everywhere... from top of head to tip of toe. Sometimes it almost hurts. What is it?  Maybe it's indirect; exponential increases in HCG/LDH markers. Maybe it's direct; the 'bad guys' swarming. Maybe it's just psychological. The dogs (even visiting ones) seem to know something that I don't. Can they sense something? - I guess so.

NHS kindly sent letter (dated 10 days ago) regarding next Tuesday's chemo admission, with unscheduled PICC line appointment hand scrawled at the bottom, received at 48hrs notice whilst I was working 100 miles away. No, PICC line cannot be rescheduled; thanks guys, that's all really helpful. What to do? - well, everything could be postponed by a week (is that really a good idea?) or go ahead as planned with a cannula instead of a PICC. Hmm, eeny, meeny.... let's just get on with it.

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