Tuesday 11 February 2014

Day 8

The Beeb regurgitates a ‘Vitamin C gives chemotherapy a boost’ story:

Email oncologist to get the jabs prescribed. He replies: ‘very interesting although still far from the clinic’; this is medic-speak for ‘no’.

NHS quickly rolls out press release debunking the Beeb story:

Make appointment for clinic on Friday to review ‘NHS approved’ side-effect treatment options (full report on Saturday).

Tor says you have to be a ‘celeb’ to get Vit C jabs. Quick web trawl reveals a number of smart Mayfair addresses where you can obtain the necessary, however from glossy pics of satisfied customers, I am (plainly) not their target client with their target condition to treat.

Resolve to go into Holland & Barrett at next opportunity to investigate possibility of crib slamming ascorbic acid at non-Mayfair prices.

In the meantime, take solace in trialling new niche luxury aid for overdoing it on the anti-constipation pills……

Memo to celebs: remember what happened to Leslie Ash?

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