Sunday 2 February 2014

Sunday Update - Chemotherapy Patient 'Etiquette' - Part 1

It's been really interesting to see the range of responses from people regarding diagnosis, surgery and pending treatment. For sure, some of you have wondered what is 'good practice' (mainly do's and dont's) and what others have said/done/thought etc., so here's a non-dissertation sized psychosocial thematic analysis. Whilst we've come a long way from the 1970's cancer = death equation, there's still a lot of uncertainty out there; hopefully this will help.

Food, mathematical probability, cards & gifts, divine intervention, humour, incentivisation and logistical support all feature (amongst others) to be published in pairs every Sunday over the next month.

Theme 1 - Nourishment 

From couriered chocolate brownies (Jane & Samantha) to the best chowder this side of Padstow (Aunty Betty). This is a 'winner' from anyone, anytime. But it doesn't stop with the edible, oh no it doesn't!
Amaya's Virgin (none the worse for an unscheduled stopover in the Swindon Road sorting office) has arrived to both nourish body & soul, and do what medical science cannot. No instructions/batteries in the box (not being RC, a bit unsure how she 'works'). Suspect it's payback for all those Monty Python DVD Xmas presents. Phone Uncle James to discuss; it seems that the Virgin will provide a 'cure' if chemotherapy does not (conversely, if no 'cure' is obtained, that will be due to chemotherapy interfering with what the Virgin is trying to achieve). Sounds like a Pareto sub-optimal outcome for medical science to me. But hey! I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thought, so what's not to like about having this addition to the armoury?

Theme 2 - Humour

It's hard, isn't it? People tip-toe around, not wanting to say 'the wrong thing'. Take it from me, a liberal application of humour is essential to get everyone through! It varies from Ed's take on a backhanded 'good news story' unashamedly plagiarised from The Daily Mail (who also kindly provided the novelty gift wrapping paper)

to something perhaps a tad more subtle?; this from the Del school of tasteless (yet humorous) t-shirts:

Debbie's concern regarding potential daily brainwashing (courtesy of The Jeremy Kyle Show) addressed by her timely provision of the following link, which enables us all to generate our own Daily Mail favourites: enjoy!

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