Friday 14 February 2014

Day 11

Half-term called early by Ed’s school, worried about the weather. Quite why they think it’s sensible to email parents at 17:15 with the ‘collect your offspring as of 15 minutes ago’ edict does perhaps need further consideration for next time, as Tor is 100 miles away with Liv, and the thought of driving the Aston through the Somerset Levels right now is definitely what Judge Pickles means  by ‘contributory negligence’. Thankfully Nads’ mum is able to shoehorn an extra body on board her Tardis en route North.

Up at 5am as Liv’s off to Oslo on a sort of reverse Viking raid on Scandinavian tennis courts. Not that 5am’s an issue, as not been sleeping for more than 2-3 hours at a time all week has been the norm. Chronic back pain (guess it’s kidneys?) and pain in legs (on top of the usual Gin Lane experience) means I’m shuffling about like one of Capt’n Jack Sparrow’s extras (making the same noises too). Off to see Oncologist shortly, so full report on recommended management of side-effects in tomorrow’s post.

Memo to School: Duh! - the weather forecast is not a ‘surprise’. You should have called time at noon.

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