Thursday 27 February 2014

Day 24

More good news from the western front, this time courtesy of the Express

Tor’s off to Waitrose to stock up

Chemotherapy can turn you into a Hollywood A-lister, or so it seems. Fresh from the Bourne quadrilogy, Matt Damon jumps into Elysium sporting a textbook chemo hairstyle, complete with critical (terminal in his case)  illness and anally retentive vitamin C/D/E deficient complexion that only cisplatin/etoposide can provide:



Have you noticed how modest all of Charles’ Angels are? Anxious to keep the paparazzi at bay, I guess. Today’s blue-gloved (as they are all) Angel is Cyndi Lauper. For tomorrow’s guest appearance Natalie Portman is promised….

Memo to Waitrose: Clearly knowingly undersold on purple tomato thing. Nothing online either. Is this a Mail vs. Express thing?

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