Monday 17 February 2014

Day 14 (featuring the Monday Mugshot)

The very difficult and painful decision has been made regarding Kurt. He has to go. 

Kurt is a vintage Audi Cabriolet, acquired via ebay from a plumber in Redditch (and apparently used to squire various housewives of that fine metropolis out-of-hours, when the Ford Transit simply wouldn’t impress at the local Harvester).

For the last couple of years Kurt has been teaching Liv and Ed to drive, so they’re well ready to be let loose on the general public in April. The warm/wet winter has however not been kind to him, as he’s developed a bad case of bacterial/fungal growth on his leather upholstery.

Tor suspects that this growth may have something to do with Kurt’s previous usage in Redditch, and has decreed his current environment unsuitable for a man with a suppressed immune system at high risk of developing neutropenic sepsis.

Tor says Kurt must either be donated to the chemical weapons facility at Porton Down, or else put back on ebay (with no reserve). So there you have it. Friends & family get first dibs, so if you’re interested, email me sometime this week or it’s going online to the highest bidder this weekend:

* 1997 Audi 80 Cabriolet (UK registered, with illegal US plates)
* Metallic blue (OK, with some hand painted black, a few stencilly bits…)
* No tax, or MOT. Roof doesn’t work terribly well. Other functionality variable.
* Starts and drives OK (NBC suit recommended)

With all this excitement, nearly forgot the Monday Mugshot……

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