Wednesday 5 February 2014

Day 2

Catch up on yesterday’s intake: after Aprepitant capsule, steroid pills, 2 litres of EP pumped in on IV at 1L/hr/ then 1L saline, followed by 0.5L Mannitol (to clear kidneys) - then 1L CP – that’s a gallon so far. There’s a funny alcohol/solvent taste in the lungs (bit like the contrast injection in the CT scan). Feel bit light-headed. Instructed to fill some gourd-type pots with the inevitable by-product … to measure it apparently - look, everyone should have a hobby, but…

Finish off with 2L enhanced saline whilst watching another film: Prometheus*; with hindsight, this is not a premium choice for a man in my condition. As a result of the machine that goes ‘ping’ getting an 'unexpected' technical fault, it no longer goes ‘ping’. Actually get to sleep, but the next offender is the nurse call alarm in the corridor, which makes the same ‘prap, prap’ noise as Noddy and Big Ears’ little red and yellow car.

Awake at 7am after at least 6 hours sleep, however the overpowering aroma of fart ’n onions* sets the scene for refusing the charms of Little Chef for breakfast this morning – just toast please. Feel a little hung over; mind you, the last time 12 pints were downed in one sitting, not just age was on my side. Start getting that Groundhog Day feeling…. looks like the same again this afternoon?

Memo to jobseekers: Dump the application to Weyland* Corp: the ambulant dead on Ward 61 are clearly lasting longer than Ms. Vickers’ lot ever did.

Memo to future occupants of Ward 61: Acqua di Parma Colonia (atomiser) is the perfect bedside companion for such eventualities (and yes, Bed 25: we do know that it was you.)

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