Thursday 6 February 2014

Day 3

Cognitive functioning definitely below par; processing speed slower, more spelling mistakes (er, dysgraphia on ADHD?) No sickness or pain, but a persistent ‘hangover’. Go to Costa for breakfast (croissant + latte + high speed internet connection) to check Wechsler WAIS-IV (IQ) score. Well, the result ain’t pretty, as it appears to indicate a drop of over 2 standard deviation blocks (in English, 147 down to 115). OK, whilst the lower score is still 70th centile, it means that 10+ million people in this country just jumped the intelligence queue ahead of me. Duh!

Hmm, apart from that bombshell, pretty much Groundhog Day – another 12 pints in on the IV pump* - and what goes in, must come out; endless peeing followed by a hangover – if I was a beer drinker, this would make me take the pledge. Today’s ‘Winchester’ special was, er, Xmas ‘dinner’ (without the sprouts or pigs in blankets).

Mind meandered into several one-way streets (half the wrong way). Noticed that my bed was donated by the family & friends of a certain Charles Barton; thankfully, the plaque didn’t say R.I.P. – but there again, it didn’t say he made it either.

Bed 27 re-occupied by a nice old chap, whose family clearly couldn’t read the ‘max 2 visitors per patient’ signs. Why do people insist on having these group ‘end of life’ discussions in front of an audience? – what with this and Mr. Barton above, feel like it’s a piece to camera for The Meaning of Life 2*.

*Memo to everyone: 30 pints in 3 days – do NOT try this at home.

*Second memo to everyone: Topic a bit awkward (for sure), but do consider the benefits of (a) not leaving it to the 11th hour and (b) not doing it in public.

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