Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day 23

The old nursery rhyme tells us that Wednesdays are full of woe, and so it is today, with at least 3 family members in hospital; – Uncle Alan is off to the Nuffield, Granny Robdog is off to er, another Nuffield, and I’m a guest of, hmm, the NHS (no prizes for guessing the poor relations, then).

That having been said, no ‘Bed 28’ for me this cycle as the NHS have come up trumps with ‘Suite 6’ which is a de luxe single with adjoining shower and loo (ensuite is just too elitist, man). Methinks this has something to do with my celebrity nurse; for all you doubting Thomases out there – boom it, here’s Beyonce´ 

To be fair, all the nurses here boom it, so we’re going to feature daily Charles’ Angels whilst an inpatient.

Went for the usual constitutional to Costa; couldn’t help noticing an abandoned gurney replete with body bag (used):

Unable to decide whether previous incumbent had:

(a) followed the light down the corridor (incorporeal)

(b) taken a sharp right to ‘Way Out’ (potentially more corporeal)

(c) done something a bit more Sean of the Dead (yes Granny, it’s those zombies again)

(d) engaged in some other outcome supported by Dynamo; Magician Impossible

(e) Hmm, of course, the ‘Way Out’ sign does not preclude entry, so there’s an outside chance the conveyance is simply waiting for recovery and egress (minus the body bag, one hopes).

So, that’s this week’s Quiz; use your observational and deductive skill and judgment to extrapolate the most likely answer (NB full reasoning must be provided). Answers by email please; as before, editor’s decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into on that one (and that means texting as well, Del.)

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