Tuesday 25 February 2014

Day 22

So here we are back in hospital for ‘Chemo II’. It all feels a bit like Xmas the day after 12th Night…..

Er, I know how it feels…..

As you saw yesterday, the style’s a bit more Grant Mitchell crossed with Father Christmas, but hey, there’s always the Telly Savalas option to consider:

PICC line insertion this morning went well. So there are plusses and minuses; no cannula/bruisings to look forward to, but there’s now a direct external pipe to the heart fed (via ultrasound) in through the arm, like so:

Already there’s a problem, as Tor is concerned about the ‘plug’ popping off resulting in your correspondent collapsing like a deflated lilo (not to mention the mess on the soft furnishings...….)

Memo to self: Pack some duct tape; that plug’s staying in.

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