Friday 28 February 2014

Day 25

Last day of the second cycle, so ‘JB’s’ arrival to discuss progress prompts a medical update. PICC line very clearly a much better method of delivery – none of that painful catching of the cannula (on just about everything) not to mention the pain/bruising in the hands. Omnipresent ‘hangover’ and tinnitus, coupled with peripheral neuropathy in face and hands (seems to be morphing into Reynaud’s there). Sleep still an issue, as about 3 hours at a time is a max (but the Zopliclone has been avoided by taking daytime naps, prompted by fatigue in any event). Feeling a bit more nauseous (inpatient anti-sickness a different regime to that at home) and the muscular back pain strikes when it’s least convenient, but on balance ‘JB’ seems pleased with how things are panning out.

Charles’ Angels are in hyperdrive; what a great bunch they are. Just to get one up on the original Charlie, having featured 2 of them already in this cycle, a further 3 make today’s a hat-trick performance, roundly trouncing John Forsythe’s dismal 3-in-total effort.

Natalie Portman

Naomi Watts

Kelly Brook

Quiz result: 2 votes for each suggested answer, and no prizes for guessing Granny didn’t go for option (c). No new theories necessitates a tie-breaker: Again using your skill and judgement, explain the sign below (rules as before).

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