Saturday 1 March 2014

Day 26

Post a bit late today as I’m feeling so very, very tired. Cumulative effect of a second chemotherapy cycle I guess.

You should watch this Macmillan Cancer Support advertisement (even if you’ve already seen it – watch it again, and try to imagine that it’s you there):

Being diagnosed with cancer and having chemotherapy is a truly awful experience – really, you wouldn’t wish it even on your worst enemy. If you could, you need urgent cognitive behaviour therapy.

Out-and-about, people’s reactions hit both ends of the spectrum:

Went into a supermarket where Marie Curie were collecting, with their blue buckets and bright yellow daffodil badges.

One look and they knew; I popped a bit of change on each bucket and said thank you to them – and their eyes brimmed.

Went into a motor dealership, and as the beenie was removed, a member of reception staff looked shocked and visibly swerved away.

Thanks for that.

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