Monday 24 March 2014

Day 49 - Life Beyond Death? (so no Monday Mugshot)

As we know, the cancer = death equation went out the window some time ago, but it's always sensible to have a back-up plan, I suppose. Some say that 'God', 'Religion' (whatever) is the best/only (whatever) option………. but is it?

This surprise effort just landed in my inbox - see what you think!

Opportunity Of The Day

Life Beyond Death

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, it seems that technology is reaching the stage where people can live after death – in a fashion.

I just read about an initiative  from the MIT Entrepreneurship Programme which collects web chats, blogs, emails and text messages from a deceased person, and then uses complex algorithms and artificial intelligence to create a ‘chatbot’ that represents the persons online persona. It’s then possible to interact and communicate with this online presence. The idea is to unlock the memories hidden in their online presence, according to the researchers behind the project.

In the years to come, the amount of social media and other online data left behind by individuals is just going to grow and grow. The MIT project gives a glimpse into what’s possible now.  The possibilities for the future are both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

Hmm, as with most things, I guess it's what you want to see, and how you interpret the 'mission statement'. Tor's effort below?

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