Wednesday 19 March 2014

Day 44

The Beeb reports that a 3,200-year old Egyptian skeleton has been found with cancer, trumpeting the headline ‘Cancer existed 3,000 years ago’, throwing doubt on Tor’s crusade against the evils of the modern age (er, processed foods and red meat, in the main).

Already there’s a problem, as Tor suspects this will be used as an evidence base to evade/avoid or otherwise debunk her enhanced Food Police programme, upon release from hospital. Hmm, in the interests of marital harmony, better give her side of the story;

So, there’s both sides of the argument, then. Not that I will ‘win’ with the former; only by selecting the ‘winning’ argument will the ‘right’ answer be obtained (that’s what 25 years of marriage does to you!)

'unhealthy' food

'healthy' food

In any event, too tired to argue the toss right now. Yesterday’s 2pm-11pm chemo schedule was tough, and despite knowing what was coming, can’t say it was pleasant (on top of the usual hourly pint of pee to dispense). Felt dog tired throughout (but still couldn’t manage more than 3 hours sleep afterwards – at least a further couple came about before breakfast.)

As Destiny's Child are proving hard to nail down as a threesome, only managed to bag Michelle Williams as today's Charles' Angel. APB out for Kelly Rowland, but rumours are she's in the Caribbean?

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