Thursday 27 March 2014

Day 52 - B52?

As with most things, a name or word can have multiple meanings. A B52 is therefore either a cocktail, new wave band, or heavy strategic bomber, depending on your perspective.

Well, this is the one I'm talking about. What's this got to do with chemotherapy you might ask? Well, the answer is surprisingly simple - they both do the same thing; carpet bombing. Don't know what that is? - check out this video clip (yee-hah!)

What you see happen in the video is what's going on inside me right now. You see, the CT and MRI scans couldn't find any metastasis, but the HCG/LDH levels were ramping up and about to go exponential. As we're talking mixed Germ Cell (i.e. the whole baddy bunch, including carcinoma), that's why Axel went for the 'Bomber Harris' option; can't find an individual target, so just carpet bomb everything.

But carpet bombing comes at a terrible price. Picasso thought the same thing in 1937 when he painted 'Guernica'. The man was however a genius, because he also saw what a chemotherapy patient self-portrait would look like…...

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