Friday 14 March 2014

Day 39

Bit late posting today as it's pre-assessment day and JB is taking the lead - guess Axel's off on another gig. So, 3rd cycle begins on Tuesday, and JB is concerned about the tinnitus (which is getting worse). 

Options are discussed - JB is looking for a 5-day stint, but regular readers will know my view that six of the best now beats drawn-out detentions anytime. Trying to do 3 every other days as an outpatient is too difficult logistically, so we agree a 3-day stint next week on cisplatin, but 4th cycle on carboplatin (to reduce damage to ear nerve endings):

Aspirin discussed and JB will consider the anti-inflammatory effects and advise of suggested dosage. Rash on head is cisplatin, so just keep slapping on the aqueous. Steriods are for anti sickness, but will make you crabby (see, Tor? - there is a medical explanation!) Domperidone is thought to be causing nausea, so another drug will be tried. Blood platelets at the lower end of acceptable (so good job that steak and red wine was unlawfully consumed last night in Tor's absence).

In other news, has anyone ever tried to get insurance for 17-year old twins that doesn't cost over £5,000? Initial quotes are horrendous - a specialist broker will have to be consulted. Believe it or not, one broker (who pleaded not to be named) did not mince his words, summing up the the task ahead with: "you poor bastard, you'd better have deep pockets". He then advised to drive without insurance, as it's only a £200 fine and 6 points if you get busted.  Hmmmm……..

maybe not, then……………….

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