Friday 21 March 2014

Day 46

Feel like sh*t today... and dog tired, big time. Either it’s the compounding effects of the third cycle (you know, Axel’s attempts to damn near kill me without actually doing so) or the down-the-hall zombie crowd sneaked into my room last night for a bit of a midnight feast (theory supported by suspicious bloodstain on shower curtain…. which wasn’t there yesterday….)

Whilst on the subject of shower curtains, have to report that the Suite 3 ensuite is not all it’s cracked up to be. The problem is the shower doesn’t work (and neither does next door’s) because, er, the water has been turned off at the mains.

Looks the part but it don't work!

Why you might ask? Well, it appears that these showers were all signed off (at great expense) by an NHS manager who knew sod all about plumbing. Just as the official opening tape was cut, the inaugural showers were found (shan’t say exactly how) to be directly connected into the adjoining WC’s, south of the U-bend. Due to layouts and floor thicknesses, the problem cannot be rectified. The whole lot will have to be ripped out, apparently.

Er, this is this your fault mate, innit?

The manager responsible was quickly removed, and promoted to Chief Exec of a neighboring NHS Trust (obviously). Couldn’t make it up, could you? Emigration, anyone?

In the meantime, it's over to today's Charles' Angels.........all 3 of 'em

Amy Adams

Lucy Liu

Sofia Loren (no, honest...)

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