Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 41

Maargrit?  Maargrit! Which way is it? Oh dear, SatNav broken, so a few technical difficulties of an orienteering nature + defeated by technology issues resulted in Maargrit and Rupert Bear going from A to B via Z yesterday, but they eventually made it here for lunch….

In search of Maargrit …..

Tor says nobody else will know who Maargrit and Rupert Bear really are (or the reason for their pseudonyms) but if you're reading this in India or China (or pretty much everywhere else), don't worry; just chalk it down to eccentric British humour, and you'll be OK.

So this weekend is supposed to be the best I'll feel for some time, as it's the last few days of the rest before the 3rd cycle begins on Tuesday. At least the sun's out, although already there's a problem, as Ward 61 lacks a sun terrace (come to think of it, a bar and a swimming pool as well). 

Ward 61 pool terrace….. not

Hmm, you can't have everything I suppose. At least Tor has OK'd a barbecue today, (although steak, sausages, etc are all banned - obviously). Hunter-gatherer skills will therefore have to be honed on a few bits of chicken (with Liv complaining that this means burnt offerings, for sure……..)

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