Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 55 - Drinks Special

The most egregious side effect of chemotherapy is on taste.... and I'm not talking about kipper ties, flared jeans or anaglypta here. Your taste buds get nuked, so things taste er, just a little bit different. 

Water tastes like pondwater, tea tastes like hot floodwater (I guess) and other drinks taste  like..... well, it depends on what you're drinking. A nice dry white Burgundy tastes like a whisky sour, whilst a red Bordeaux is just about OK, as is any pudding wine. Bubbles are good, so fizzy drinks are generally OK (but not fizzy water, which needs cordial or something to add flavour). Milk is also good (and I'm told Horlicks is excellent, but haven't given that a go as yet). Coffee is good, but it has to be fresh, hot and not too strong. 

My old mum has been on a mission in Barbados to find a 10-30 year old rum, and returned to Blighty triumphant with a bottle of Mount Gay 1703 (which is a serious little ripper).  I shall look forward to a shot of this (unadulterated with anything other than sunshine) and report back on taste. The fact that I'm even considering trying spirits is a reflection of feeling a lot better this weekend. The week after chemo really is the pits, so for cycle 4 I'm seriously considering hitting the Zopiclone and just sleeping through... we'll see.

Anyway, I'm off to save Ed's hide, because he has forgotten something pivotal today, and will need rescuing/a lecture on remembering next year………..

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