Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 27

The chemotherapy patient etiquette 4-part series has now concluded (but given the motor dealer experience yesterday, may return towards the end of treatment for a heads-up).

Some bad news from Kurt; no-one wants him, apparently. All those ladies with names ending in ‘a’ have led him a right merry dance. Even had one who insisted on an off-road tug ‘o war against a Land Rover, to prove his Teutonic prowess......

Kurt in action on the Western Front

Tor says we got the ladies with wrong names ending in ‘a’ – should have been the Helgas, not Vanessas of this world. Ah well, looks like a trip to ebay then, unless Uncle James wants to revisit his youth, and try to sort out the damage caused by his nephew’s lack of restraint with the WW3 paint job.

Medical Update: Sorry to say the Zopiclone has been broken into. Slept for 6 hours last night as a result, though. But why on earth do I still feel so tired?

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