Tuesday 11 March 2014

Day 36

A week to go before the third cycle. Remember that ‘Sunday night’ pre-school feeling when you were a kid? Well, it comes back in situations like this when you’re a grown-up, I can tell you.

Remember the dark sarcasm in the classroom?

It’s pre-assessment day on Friday, so Axel will be quizzed about some research Tor has dug up on reducing cisplatin’s unwanted side-effects:

As they say, cisplatin is an effective drug, but it often causes severe and irreversible damage to a patient’s kidneys, hearing and sense of balance. Thanks for that. The form I signed said something a tad less blunt and entirely more palatable, like it ‘may’ cause a minor bit of something-not-to-worry-about-too-much, not that it probably will cause it. Still, the aspirin thing needs a run-through with Axel on Friday, and it ‘aint exactly a new untried thing like the Vit C jabs, as it’s been around for over 10 years now:

But every cloud has a silver lining – kidneys apart, at least I will have a decent excuse for not paying attention to any spousal repetitive encouragement, and Liv and Ed can rest assured that 18th/21sts will not be spoilt by dad’s dodgy disco dancing (or at least there will be a medical excuse for it)

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