Friday 25 April 2014

Day 81

So another late post, due to the usual Friday problems today with the M5/6……………….

It's ridiculous, innit? I mean, why is the BMW lane the slowest, with lanes 1 and 2 moving (just) and all the BMW's stationery in the fast lane?… er, OK, maybe I CAN guess why…….

Yes!, just  imagine a line of BMW-driving muppets (in the rain) and well, between the stamping on the accelerator (swiftly followed by the brakes), maybe we have our answer….

So how did it go today? - well yes, I am a bit tired, but the meetings went well, and that's perhaps down to autopilot…. maybe the old dog just knows what works, irrespective of an IQ of 147 or 115……..

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