Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 66 - Route 66?


OK, so last day of chemotherapy treatment, and it feels like nearly all 2,448 miles of Route 66 so far - on the plus side it ends in Southern California (not the Chicago end) .... not that there's anything wrong with the windy city…… it's just a bit, er windy… and cold.

So here's the last Angel of the group.....

Er, easy on the airbrushing Jaclyn - this is how you looked without all that artificial enhancement.....

So, let's get The Wail's final contribution whilst we're at it.....

'NHS writing off patients who are over 75' - really? Empirical evidence in Ward 61 is that this is simply not true - you want to get your lazy hacks out the pub and into the real world... and leave the nurses out of it too....

Again, really? - this is patently absolute tosh - and the bloke looks 83 if he's a day (and having cancer treatment to boot). All this Wail nonsense is giving me irritable bowel syndrome....

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