Tuesday 1 April 2014

Day 57 - April Fool Edition

OK, so it's that time of year, and everyone's worried that they won't spot the real AF and then look really stupid when they eventually do 'spot' what they think is one, which turns out to be a true story. Duh!

The Times puts in a fair effort on this front (it's the statins, Granny), although The Mirror's front page is altogether more concerning; I mean Ninety Quid for a footy top?? - it has to be a joke.

Best stick to the tried and tested, then…………………….

The two examples above are my faves, as I can't be doing with the round of Scotland/Salmond jokes currently in vogue. I don't think it's terribly funny that the Brits don't get any say on the question at all; Salmond can keep the oil, but I'll be damned if he's getting sterling (and a free future bail-out at our expense).

 Hadrian had it right; we need to build a bigger wall, trust me.

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