Monday 14 April 2014

Day 70

OK, so we have a better understanding of 'don't overdo it' now. It's easy to come out of hospital and think "right, that's over, let's get on with it then", but unfortunately, whilst the spirit is willing, the flesh is indeed weak. So for all you chemo patients on last cycle - take a tip from me and don't try something over-ambitious (like mowing the lawn) the day after you get out of hospital.

Looking for a good-news cancer story in today's press, there was little to impress, however The Sun's health headline story did rather catch the eye. What the hell is an old lady, in hospital and on oxygen doing, being allowed to chuff away on e-cigs, anyway? Sounds all a bit Final Destination to me.

Anyway, The Beeb has managed come up with some topical news and advice to us chaps, about checking, er, our chaps:

See the whole article here:

"Tabloid readers are more likely to know how to check for lumps and bumps…" Oh dear, this is worrying………

Memo to grannies: Watch those e-cigs in hospital, grannies!

Memo to broadsheet readers: git yerself a red-top - you'll live longer (?)

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