Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day 71

So things are a bit better this morning, as I've been taking it easy (Ed's on lawn duty). Interestingly, I've come across a few "now you're better…." type comments from others in the past day or so - whoa! - I'm not half a week out of hospital, so this is definitely more the triumph of hope over expectation……….

…..but maybe I'm out of hospital just in the nick of time, as it appears injurious to health to actually be there? Whilst the Mirror's headline is patently complete tosh, it does concentrate the mind on how much the NHS actually costs - are we really going to continue treating the world turning up on our doorstep for a medical freebie? (you tell me - it's our tax that pays for it). 

The other thing is the obvious waste - for example the heating on Ward 61 was cranked up so high that everyone was using fans to keep cool (not to mention having the keep windows as wide open as we could get them*). What about turning the heating down?…. er, computer sez no, I guess. What about all the medications I've been given, that are surplus or just plain wrong? (like most of the anti-sickness drugs they gave me last time e.g. Domperidone). Again, as they can't be re-used, in the bin they go, I guess…..


*Memo to NHS facilities managers: The silly 'nanny state' anti-suicide window restrictors you have clearly fitted at great expense can be unscrewed using a 2p coin. If you want to do something useful, get the bloody windows cleaned! (7 years since last wash - I have asked).

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