Monday 21 April 2014

Day 77 (featuring the Monday Mugshot)

OK, let's get it over with, then……….

So is the cup half full, or half empty? I guess it depends on your viewpoint. Like today's Express and Mail, who both headline the same story…….. but in completely opposite ways. 

Of course this comprehensively illustrates why the Mail is such a poisonous rag. It turns normal people into cognitively challenged lower-middle class homophobic white monarchist xenophobes. I mean, just look at the pink banner story in the Mail - really? Despite my current chemotherapy-induced loss of 30-odd IQ points, I can tell you that the premise outlined is complete tosh. I do wish both Grannies would desist from taking any further 'advice' from this foul toe-rag. The evolutionary consequences are dire….. you have both been warned!

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