Friday 11 April 2014

Day 67

OK, so just noticed the mix-up on IBS/IOS in yesterday's post (whoops) - that's 'chemo brain' for you - never mind. It's good to be out of hospital and 4th cycle finished. Bad news in today's papers though (and I don't mean The Wail's headline on 'bungling officials missed 350,000 migrants' either)

One wonders why The Times thinks that the MP sex case is more important? - but this is bad news on the prostate front, chaps; go get it sorted asap. 

So I have the usual assortment of take-home drugs; bizarrely, Domperidone instead of Metoclopramide and Cyclizine (just as JB's copy letter to my GP arrives saying the opposite).   Incidentally, the aspirin point on the cisplatin is addressed, but only to say that "it could not be confidently recommended to prevent further hearing loss". With hindsight I would have preferred to try it, confident or not. On the other stuff, think I'll just dump the Domperidone - ditto the Dexamethazone (steroids) which appears to turn me into Mr. Angry with no appreciable anti-sickness benefit…..

No thanks!

Another week of Zarzio/Filgrastim jabs, plus some high-dosage Magnesium tablets round off  the menu. CT scan booked for the end of April, and a follow-up with JB at the beginning of May (plus a session with the specialist Germ Cell Nurse) round off the rest period, after which it's time to start rebuilding the demilitarised zone - 6 month target to get back into shape, grow some hair (and higher brain function re-aquisition). Switching to weekly updates at that stage……..

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