Wednesday 16 April 2014

Day 72

What is it with newspaper headlines and the NHS? - it's almost as if we've become immune to the constant barrage of NHS crisis stories. OK, so chemo brain or not, the answer is simple: tell everyone not from this country, who haven't contributed towards that NHS, that they are not entitled to medical care here. There - what's difficult or controversial about that? 

The law of unintended consequences comes with a technology flavour this morning, as my LinkedIn updates show that Axel has been checking out my profile yesterday…..

Come on Axel, everyone knows that you have to set up a secondary 'John Smith' type profile to avoid people knowing that you're web-stalking them. Anything I can immediately help you with? - I note we have a follow-up on 2nd May at 11am, so perhaps we can cover any outstanding questions you might have then?

By way of immediate update, yes I'm still very tired. Fed up with all the bloody pills so I'm not taking any of them now (most for anti-sickness) and guess what? - no difference. Trying to do some daily exercise now, but it's hard. The tinnitus is a major issue; maybe a 'white noise' device could help?

Try the link above to see what I mean here. Anyone know anything more about this sort of thing?

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