Thursday 10 January 2019

2018 Update

Bet you thought I was dead, huh?   no ...not quite yet!!

.... sorry I've not been posting for a bit - tbh it was a change of computer/website access issue with blogspot which I hadn't really had time to fix - which I've had to following an unpleasant IT attack (you know, the "you pay $5,000 in Bitcoin or we'll send all your email contacts the film we made using your webcam"... er, do these idiots not realise what type of cancer I've actually had??

Anyway, the only 'girls' I want to have a cuddle with my wife knows all about (see below)

So say hello to Stella the PBGV (French Bassett Hound) - believe you me, she's the only other blonde a man of my age (and condition) should want on his lap!

Hmm, can't quite believe it's 4.5 years post treatment now - only another 6 months to go until the 5 year 'all clear' and they kick me off the follow up/review list - 'cured' as it were. Not quite there yet, but here's hoping - and looking forward to it.

In the meantime, I shall sign off for now with a suitably charitable thought - sure, my kebab's up for grabs if I don't make it.....

Happy 2019 everyone - make it a great year.

2020 update will be my last for this 'series'. Who knows what's around the corner for all of us? Hell, we've got Brexit in March! - so let's follow General Patton's advice and cross bridges when we get to them....

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