Tuesday 6 January 2015

Annual Update

Well, the x-ray last week was clear, and no-one's phoned to say anything worrying about the blood test.... so that's it for another couple of months, then. No MRI or CT.... I guess they're only going do do those if x-ray or bloods shows something's up.

Cancer's back in the news today.... not surprising really - that's about 4% of the population currently living with it. 30 years ago it was half that, mainly because the other half were already dead. There are some pretty diverse views about the benefits (or otherwise) of this:

Well Doc, sorry to rain on your parade, but if you had said that to me last year, then you would have had to pop downstairs to A&E afterwards. Not quite ready to shuffle off this mortal coil at only 52, you see.... but I'll keep you posted, OK?

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