Tuesday 3 January 2017

2016 Update

So, no post yesterday so you thought I had bought the farm?

Er no, far from it - still very much alive and kicking (sorry mom).

The reasons I didn't post yesterday are many:

1. OS software update dumped all of my saved passwords (really) so I couldn't get back into my blogspot account (not having used it for a year).

2. Tor has me booked in with Michael (aka "the poof"- according to Colonel Cobb) for a haircut costing £30+ (as opposed to my usual £10 + £1 tip local effort down the road) and wanted me to look my best for the annual mugshot.

3. I'm in rude health, so quite forgot.

It's been a very busy year, but as you are all (possibly) immediately more interested in my health, check out the update below:

Reassured that the NHS is providing a CT scan a couple of years post-chemo?.... er no, they didn't - this was 'purchased' by me as a private 'customer' (as opposed to 'offered' to me as a 'patient'). Wow, how times change.

So why was I having a CT scan anyway? - well, I have had a bit of a cough for 6 months now... so after the initial 'OMG it must have metastasised in his lungs' panic subsided, what exactly was the problem?  Various antibiotics, steroid inhalers, decongestants etc etc later - nothing, no effect, zip. Mind you I didn't actually feel 'ill', so what was the actual problem?

Hmm, well I'd need a load of (more) tests of course, lung function (110%) allergy (just the usual grass pollen) sputum (nil points) and of course the CT (see above).... which all comes to well over £1,000 to provide the answer which is..... er, nothing. Wot, a grand for nothing? - yup, that's about it. 

Respiratory Specialist thought it was most probably a side-effect of dust from the house conversion. I am assured that something similar is present at Everest base camp (cough), so there you have it. Anyway, a complete update will be posted in the next couple of days, so I'll leave you to contemplate the potential efforts of Michael the poof.......