Friday 1 January 2016

2015 Annual Update

Well, I'm still here! 18 months and counting (er no, not really... OK they're counting... so another three-an-a-half years to go then?)

After a fair few offers on a number of houses (future potential book/film on nightmare vendors there, so won't open that can of worms right now) we stumbled across the perfect do-er-upper in a magical position and took a leap of faith in August, moving into a 500-year old cottage that hadn't had money spent on it for over 40 years.

Oh yes, and a river runs through the garden, so (obviously) I bought a boat what could be better than having a pootle down the river on New Year's Day?

Oh dear, it seems that 'JB' and the BHOC/BRI have run into a bit of difficulty......

OK OK, I know it's the Daily Wail, but it gets worse..............

Pleased to see they are 'taking this seriously'. When I see JB next week for my check-up, I will 
get the full story.

Next we have...... ah yes, more cancer news:

Yes, they hammered the sugar = cancer equation home at Penny Brohn. Look on the bright side, at least they're leaving the booze out of it.... 

What?.....oh sorry - it appears we can't even drown our sorrows these days. I would normally sign off with a Cheers - Happy 2016! but as there's new guidance to the contrary, all I can say is stay happy and healthy and keep dodging the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune....